OAGC Advocacy Update 12.15.22 – SB178 (Education Governance Reform) Bill Fails after a Long, Last Day of the 134th General Assembly. 

To be honest, I had already written the first paragraph of this update yesterday – predicting that the Ohio House would indeed go along with SB178. But weird things happen…

Continue ReadingOAGC Advocacy Update 12.15.22 – SB178 (Education Governance Reform) Bill Fails after a Long, Last Day of the 134th General Assembly. 

Advocacy Update 12.3.22 – Update on SB178 – Education Governance Reform Bill – New Update 12.7.22

12.7. 22 Update - The Ohio Senate Primary and Secondary Education Committee voted out SB178 on 12.6.22. Governor DeWine has indicated that he supports the bill. The question remains whether…

Continue ReadingAdvocacy Update 12.3.22 – Update on SB178 – Education Governance Reform Bill – New Update 12.7.22