
Our Mission

To promote and support the development of gifted students through dissemination of information, advocacy on their behalf, encouragement of affiliate organizations, and to promote research and education for gifted children.

The gifted child is defined as one who shows exceptionally high ability in one of the following:

  1. Intellectual capacity
  2. Academic aptitude
  3. Creative ability
  4. Leadership
  5. Artistic talent

Our Goals

  • To become a high profile, child-centered organization capable financially of supporting multiple services and products to the gifted community through both volunteers and paid staff.
  • To become a clearinghouse of information sharing for gifted throughout the state of Ohio.
  • To reach all of our members and potential members with services and products that meet their needs – anticipated and immediate, pre-K-12, plus adult.
  • To commission a research study each year to add to the body of knowledge regarding gifted.

OAGC Today

The Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) is unique among education associations in the state in that the focus is about children rather than educators. In order to maintain that focus while acknowledging the many viewpoints that add to the support of gifted children, OAGC is organized to reflect the many voices that make up the gifted community in Ohio: coordinators, teachers, parents and families, and, lastly, members of the higher education community.

It is the hope of the OAGC governing board that the established divisions will allow each constituency to develop strengths in their own area of interest while still maintaining the overall mission of the umbrella organization.

The underlying mission for OAGC has been and will continue to be the support of and advocacy on behalf of gifted children in the state of Ohio regardless of the educational setting.

About OAGC

OAGC History

Founded in 1952, the Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) was established even before the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Ohio has a rich history in the area of gifted education. Home of the first gifted education program in the country (Cleveland’s Major Work Program), Ohio has often served as model for other states throughout the years. While other states have now gained ground on Ohio especially in the area of mandated services, Ohio is still a leader in many areas such as gifted education training and state-level advocacy.

Until 2004, OAGC served as an organization with a single governing board. OAGC reorganized in 2004 to meet the diverse needs of the membership. OAGC now operates on a divisional basis with a governing board serving as the umbrella governing structure to guide divisions and to ensure that all division products, services, and communications support the overall mission of the organization.