Advocacy Update – 9-14-18 – Gifted Performance Results; OAGC HQPD Tools; State Board

2017-2018 Gifted Performance Results– Most of the press on district report cards has centered around district composite grades. As with most other areas, there were gains in gifted performance as well this year. While OAGC needs additional data on ID and service numbers, types of services offered etc. to do a full analysis, we have put together a brief update on the gifted performance indicator results. This brief can be accessed at The bottom line is that there were gains across all three elements of the gifted performance indicator, and there was an increase in the number of districts meeting the indicator. However, there remain significant differences in performance and performance gains based on district typology. 

OAGC Gifted HQPD Tools – As districts begin to plan for gifted professional development, please be aware that OAGC has put together a number of very helpful resources to assist districts. Please go to more information.

State Board to Meet – After a recess for August, the State Board of Education will meet next week. Major issues of discussion will include graduation requirements, the report card and budget.