ODE released the component information for the 2021-2022 school year. No overall grade was assigned. You can find a guide to reading the newly revamped report at https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Data/Report-Card-Resources/2022-Report-Card-Guide.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US.
Here is the ODE overview on how districts and buildings performed:
While we will need to take some time to analyze the gifted indicator results, it appears districts, by and large, fared much better under the new system this year:
- 279 districts met the gifted identification and service element
- 269 districts met the gifted performance index element
- 461 districts met the gifted value-added element
- 105 districts met all three elements of the gifted performance indicator
Keep in mind, all but the gifted value-added element is being phased-in over three years, in terms of difficulty in meeting the goal.