News Flash

OAGC May News Flash – Fall Conference Information, February Teacher Academy, Gifted Rule Update, and more!
Fall Conference 2024 Updates

The 2024 OAGC 72nd Annual Fall Conference will be held October 13th – 15th at the Hilton at Easton in Columbus, Ohio.  We are thrilled to announce our keynoters this year are George Couros and Scott J Peters!  George Couros is a current Adjunct Instructor with the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and Scott J Peters is a current Professor of Assessment and Research Methodology in the Department of Educational Foundations at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater.  We are thrilled to bring both of them to our great state this fall and hope you will join us!  

More information can be found here:

February Teacher Academy

The 2024 OAGC Teacher Academy was a great success.  We had keynote sessions from Susannah Richards and fascinating live sessions from ODEW, Tara Toft, Erica Baer, Katelyn Koppelberger, and Denise Cooley.  Additionally, we had over 20 recorded sessions with topics on artificial intelligence, the science of reading, supporting gifted English learners, and many more.  

All sessions have been recorded and uploaded to our Whova site.  Videos will be hosted until May 27th.  If you’re still interested in watching, visit for more information.

Gifted Rule Update

ODEW has officially filed the gifted rule with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR).  The rule can be found here:
Next, OAGC will be preparing for public comment at the Chapter 119 hearing at the Department of Education and Workforce on May 16th at 10am.  After that hearing, the rule will be heard at a JCARR hearing (yet to be scheduled).  

Are you interested in attending or providing public comment at the Chapter 119 hearing?  Email [email protected]

For more updates including OAGC’s official response to this rule, please read our latest advocacy alerts:

General Information:



If your email has changed or you prefer a different email for the OAGC website, please contact Kay Tarbutton at [email protected] to update.

OAGC Review Articles Needed 

OAGC is looking for a few good articles for the Spring Review. To ask for an extension, or to submit articles, please email [email protected] by February 15th.

Scholarships and Awards

The OAGC Student Scholarship application deadline is February 15th! 
For more information and directions on how to apply, please go to

Gifted HQPD — High Quality Professional Development Now more than ever, it is important to have access to high-quality gifted professional development.

OAGC has been working hard to assist districts in implementing the new classroom teacher gifted HQPD requirement. We have an incredible amount of new tools and information to assist gifted professionals and districts. Also, we have 60 hours of online, Ohio-specific professional development through our partnership with Responsive Learning (formerly GTIGNITE). For more information about these courses along with all the incredible new tools and documents that will help you plan, provide, and track gifted HQPD, please go to

Donate to OAGC

Please remember that OAGC is the only organization in Ohio advocating on the behalf of gifted children. We hope that you will consider a donation to OAGC by going to the following link

Social Media Connections

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