Senate Finance
Senate Finance has adopted the budget substitute bill (HB33). Gifted funding changes amended in the House were mostly adopted in the Senate substitute bill. Unfortunately, the Senate Finance version has reinstated that gifted funds allocated for gifted students could also be spent by “other ODE-approved service providers.” Because of this, OAGC provided testimony on Thursday, June 8. A link to our testimony can be found here.
House P & S
House Primary and Secondary Committee heard proponent testimony for two bills that would allow for exudes absences either for 4 H events or for “Religious Expression Days.” HB8 (Parents Bill of Rights) was amended with language that clarified “sexuality content” and reinforced the definition of “biological sex.” This amendment passed along party lines.
They also heard sponsor testimony on HB147 (Teacher Licensure Revocation) which would close the retirement loophole in HB403. If a teacher retires during their investigation of misconduct, they shall be treated the same as if they were to resign.
Senate Workforce and Higher Ed
The Senate Workforce and Higher Ed Committee heard proponent testimony from Ohio School Counselor Association, Ohio School Board Association, Buckeye Association of School Administrators and others regarding SB104 (College Credit Plus). Each of these proponent testimonies highlighted the positive changes in textbook costs and instructor credentials.