Advocacy Update – April 28, 2017 – State Budget Update; OAGC Advocacy You Tube Event; Testing Committee to Meet

Budget Update – The Ohio House Finance Committee accepted Substitute Bill HB49 this week, which offers several changes to education including $80 million more to the funding formula. One education amendment that was inserted into the substitute bill was a provision requiring the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to do a cost study on gifted education to determine the appropriate level and funding formula. This is a welcome change. The Ohio House is expected to finalize their work on the budget by the middle of next week. The Ohio Senate Finance sub-committees are already holding hearings. Senate President, Larry Obhof, has indicated that the Ohio Senate is likely to make major cuts to the budget in order to account for the projected $800 million shortfall in state revenue for FY19-20. While the gifted funding formula is not likely to be affected, gifted unit funding to ESCs could be targeted.

OAGC Advocacy Live You Tube Event – Join the OAGC Parent Division for a YouTube LIVE event and learn from parents and professionals who will share their powerful tips on advocating for your gifted child. From the classroom level to the state level, this session will address advocacy needs that include academic, social-emotional, twice-exceptional, post-secondary, and so much more. Learn from others who “have been there” and get answers for your advocacy needs during this Q&A opportunity.
Post questions during the event directly on YouTube or elsewhere on social media using #OAGC and we will answer them during the live event. Other questions or to learn more about the Parent Division visit  or email Parent Division Chair Angela Grimm [email protected] .

Superintendents’ Advisory Committee on Assessments — The State Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Assessments will meet on Tuesday, May 2 at 4:30 pm at the Ohio Department of Education. The Committee will work with the previously-compiled brainstorming list on state assessments to develop recommendations and action items on state assessments.