Gifted Intervention Specialist
The Evergreen Local School District (a rural district in Northwest Ohio) will be hiring a full-time GIS for the 2023-2024 school year. This position serves students in grades 3-5, with…
The Evergreen Local School District (a rural district in Northwest Ohio) will be hiring a full-time GIS for the 2023-2024 school year. This position serves students in grades 3-5, with…
The Forest Hills School District is hiring a full-time gifted specialist at Wilson Elementary. This position will be teaching 4-6 math in an accelerated pacing of 4th-8th grade standards, preparing…
Findlay City Schools is hiring a full-time Gifted Intervention Specialist to serve students in grades 3 - 5 at Wilson Vance Intermediate School for the 2023-2024 school year. Submitted…
Westerville City Schools is hiring for a gifted coordinator - please see the employment listing attached for information: Feel free to reach out if additional information is requested. Thank…
Orange City Schools in Pepper Pike, Ohio is seeking a long term substitute for an 8th grade Gifted Intervention Specialist. Submitted by: Sheli Amato
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools is hiring for 2023-2024 school year. This position teaches daily gifted reading and math pullout classes for grades 4 and 5. The position is split between two…
The Oregon City School district will be hiring a full-time GIS or someone with the 60 hour endorsement to serve as a GT ELA teacher for gifted identified students in…
Affiliate Name: Test AffiliateAffiliate County: Athens CountyAffiliate City: Test CityContact Name: Derek RouchContact Email: [email protected] District (if applicable): Valley Center-Pauma UnifiedMission Statement: Lorem ipsumActivities Description: Lorem ipsumRegularly Scheduled Meeting Dates:…
Zone: Southwest Ohio Lorem ipsum Submitted by: Bill Watterson
The Ohio General Assembly along with The State Board of Education are taking a break in August. It seems like this might be a good time to tie a few…