Advocacy Update – 2.2.16 – State Budget Process Begins. Gifted Funding Levels Still Unknown

Earlier this week, Governor Kasich unveiled his final biennial budget. The details, especially with regard to gifted funding (including ESC gifted units), are still unknown as the budget bill language has not been released. What we do know is that a number of districts will likely lose funding as the governor once again will try to limit the funding guarantee for districts that have lost substantial numbers of students.

While we wait for the details of the education budget to be revealed in upcoming days and weeks, gifted advocates should note that OAGC will post all budget developments at including the new lists of committee members from the House and Senate along with their contact information. As usual, the House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education will hold hearings on the primary and secondary education portion of the budget. We can expect those hearings to begin this month.  Once a sub bill is introduced later this spring, the House Finance will hold additional hearings. Later this spring, the Senate will have their chance to deliberate. As in the last biennium, the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education will hold hearings then turn things over to the full Senate Finance Committee. The real fun begins in June, when the House, the Senate, and the governor’s office hash out their differences (largely behind closed doors), and hopefully, a new budget will be ready for the governor’s signature by the end of June 30th.  

If you have any items that you would like OAGC to include in our legislative platform the 132nd General Assembly, please email [email protected] with your suggestions by February 20th, 2017.