Advocacy Update – 3.22.24 – Upcoming ODEW Meetings

Upcoming Gifted Advisory Council Workgroup Meetings
The Gifted Advisory Council is made up of three workgroups, Equitable Identification Practices, Job Embedded Professional Development, and Highly Effective Student Supports and Services.  These workgroups are continuing to work on their recommendations for the State Gifted Plan.  In preparation for the upcoming (in-person) Gifted Advisory Council meeting on April 24th from 10am-2pm, two of those workgroups have upcoming meetings with in-person and virtual options.  As a reminder, members of the public can watch these meetings but are not permitted to participate.

Equitable Identification Practices
March 25th from 12:30 to 1:30pm
More information including a Teams meeting link included here:

Job Embedded Professional Development
March 27th from 3-4:30pm
More information including a Teams meeting link included here:

Gifted Indicator Workgroup Meetings
The Gifted Indicator Workgroup will be meeting in-person on Wednesday, May 15th.  No meeting time or place has been chosen yet.  This workgroup will also be meeting on April 24th immediately preceding the Gifted Advisory Council meeting from 2 – 4pm at the Quest Conference Center.  Again, members of the public are permitted to attend these meetings, but participation is limited to only those members of the workgroup.