Advocacy Update – 4.22.24 – Buckle Up: Gifted Rule Posted, Assessments Update, GAC Meeting

Gifted Rule 

The long-awaited Gifted Rule 3301-51-15 was filed.  Link here:
OAGC is happy to see changes in language regarding cluster groups, WEP meetings, and the providers of professional development, however; we are still concerned that talent development language does not include parameters around who can provide talent development.  While talent development classes should occur with input from gifted staff, talent development classes should not detract from gifted identified students’ education.  GISs should teach gifted students as gifted funding should be spent on gifted education alone.  Additionally, we are frustrated that five hours of ongoing professional development for general education teachers was not included in the final gifted rule. 

Please read OAGC’s official response here:

ODEW has also scheduled a public meeting for May 16th, 2024 at 10am to discuss recent rule actions.  More information can be found here:


Gifted Assessments

The list of approved assessments for the 2024/2025 school year have been posted here:
We have also been notified to “be on the lookout for updated guidance in the coming weeks.”  OAGC is hopeful to have more information regarding cut scores as soon as possible and will provide information when available.

Gifted Advisory Council

The Gifted Advisory Council will be meeting on Wednesday, April 24th from 10am until 2pm at the Quest Center.  More information here: