ODE ESSA Assessment Waiver Input – ODE has put out a request for public comment on a revision to the federal middle school testing wavier. The revisions are necessary because the Ohio General Assembly has eliminated the Geometry and English Language Arts I assessment for class of 2023 and beyond. These test eliminations have a potential negative affect on middle school students who are taking advanced course work. ODE’s waiver request would help to maintain some level of flexibility to avoid double testing of advanced middle school students as much as possible. OAGC supports ODE’s waiver revision proposal to the USDOE. For more information, please go to http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Every-Student-Succeeds-Act-ESSA . ODE is seeking comments on this revision by June 17th. You can submit comments to [email protected] .
New COVID-19 Resources – OAGC continues to add COVID-19 resources to our resources page at http://oagc.com/resources.asp . New items of interest are an excellent document of distance learning resources curated by Art Snyder and advice on the administration of the TerraNova from the Data Recognition Corporation.