ODEW Gifted Survey
Make sure to fill out the ODEW Stakeholder Survey on Gifted Education linked [here].
This survey is intended to help identify successes and challenges in the areas of gifted identification practices, student supports and services, and professional learning. Once you have completed the survey, be sure to share the link with other administrators, educators, and staff that work with gifted students.
Rule Update
We are still waiting for the Gifted Rule (3301-51-15) to be re-filed. Topics of contention are the exclusion of No Service letters and the five hours of professional development for general education teachers. While OAGC cannot guarantee these will be the only areas of potential changes in the hopefully-soon-to-be filed Rule, these were the topics that legislators of JCARR and OAGC discussed with ODEW. Please read the Gifted Rule as it was filed on June 24th [here] and direct any questions to [email protected].
Gifted Assessment Clarification
The Guidance Document for the 2024/2025 Gifted Assessments was released in late July. There continues to be questions regarding CogAT cutscore guidelines provided from Riverside (publisher of CogAT) and how those guidelines differ from the ODEW Guidance. ODEW has indicated that clarification regarding verbal and quantitative scores used for pre-screening will be released later this week. Once released, OAGC will be sure to share with members.