New Gifted Assessments – ODE released new additions to the approved gifted assessment list. The new list can be downloaded at . The specific changes are outlined at The new list includes new instruments to assist in the identification in the areas of creative thinking and visual and performing arts. There is still a gap in assessments for dance in grades 9-12. ODE is expected to put a work group together to develop a state behavioral checklist for this area. If you wish to be part of this work group or know someone in your district who would have the expertise to participate, please contact [email protected] .
Budget – The General Assembly took a bit longer than usual but finally passed a budget bill. For all education policy changes included in the budget and more, please go read the latest Advocacy Corner, which is in the latest OAGC Reiew. It can also be reviewed at
ODE regional gifted meetings – ODE has scheduled fall gifted sessions. Registration information is as follows:
- Thursday, Sept. 5, Central Region, ESC of Central Ohio, click here to register;
- Tuesday, Sept. 10, East Region, Muskingum Valley ESC, click here to register;
- Wednesday, Sept. 11, West Region, Montgomery County ESC, click here to register;
- Wednesday, Sept. 18, South Region, Gallia-Vinton ESC, click here to register;
- Friday, Sept. 20, Northwest Region, Bowling Green State University, click here to register;
- Monday, Sept. 23, Northeast Region, Ashland University, click here to register.
If you have additional questions, please contact [email protected].
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