ODE Gifted Guidance – ODE released gifted guidance for the reset and restart last week along with guidance on other gifted issues such as gifted identification. To view these documents, please go to www.oagc.com/resources.asp and view the COVID-19 Links topic heading.
ODE AP and IB Test Fee Reimbursement – ODE has posted information about how qualified students can get AP and IB test fees reimbursed. For more information, please go to: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Learning-in-Ohio/Advanced-Placement-and-International-Baccalaureate.
HB305 Update – A substitute bill is expected anytime now for HB305 (school funding reform). When the substitute bill is released, OAGC will post it.
Most legislative activity is paused so that legislators can focus on campaigning. Expect a surge of activity after the election.