Advocacy Update – 4.16.21 – House Budget Substitute Includes Cupp-Patterson School Funding Bill; Changes to Gifted Accountability

This week, the House Finance Committee accepted a substitute bill for HB110, the biennial budget. Along with an unexpected tax cut, the House included the Cupp-Patterson funding formula. The formula…

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Advocacy Update – 11.9.20 School Funding Bill to See Lame Duck Session Activity; New State Education Board members.

HB305/SB376 - On Friday, several House and Senate members, along with a consultant to the Ohio Fair School Funding Plan group, held a press conference. The purpose was to introduce a…

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Advocacy Update – 9.19.20 New ODE Approved List of Assessments, Report Card Changes Due to Covid, ODE Gifted Guidance Document

New Approved List of Assessments – ODE has released a new list of approved assessments including those for gifted assessment. They can be viewed at under the “Gifted Assessment Issues.”  Report Card…

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Advocacy Update – 9.9.20 – Education COVID-19 Bill; School Funding Revisited; ODE Gifted Guidance Elusive; Testing Guidance

As we head into the school year, there are a few advocacy items to report:  SB358 - Continued and Expanded K-12 Education Waivers Due to COVID-19 - The Senate Education Committee…

Continue ReadingAdvocacy Update – 9.9.20 – Education COVID-19 Bill; School Funding Revisited; ODE Gifted Guidance Elusive; Testing Guidance