Advocacy Update 12.3.22 – Update on SB178 – Education Governance Reform Bill – New Update 12.7.22

12.7. 22 Update - The Ohio Senate Primary and Secondary Education Committee voted out SB178 on 12.6.22. Governor DeWine has indicated that he supports the bill. The question remains whether…

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Advocacy Update – 11.17.22 – Déjà vu All Over Again? Bill to Merge ODE with Workforce Development and Disempower the State Board of Education Resurfaces in Lame Duck Session

In 2018, during the Kasich administration, then-Representative Reineke introduced HB512, which would have consolidated several agencies, including the Ohio Department of Education, into one super-agency to be run from the…

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Advocacy Update 9.15.22 – ODE Releases District and Building Report Cards for the 2021-2022 School Year

ODE released the component information for the 2021-2022 school year. No overall grade was assigned. You can find a guide to reading the newly revamped report at Here is the…

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Advocacy Update – 8.25.22 – ODE Gifted Regional Meetings; CCP Performance Audit Results

ODE Fall Gifted Regional Meetings - The Ohio Department of Education gifted team has released their schedule for fall regional meetings. They are both in-person and virtual. District administrators responsible for…

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Advocacy Update – 5.18.22 – Report Card Rules Finalized; New State Superintendent; House and Senate Committees Meet

Report Card Rules Finalized – At long last, the report card rules are finalized. The State Board of Education held a Chapter 119 hearing on May 10th. OAGC submitted written…

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